


i'll pwn u scrub gibe gun n1 i'll 360 noscope u n00b 420 wanna 1v1 me? lol i steal ur w33d scrub ;) i could pwn u 40-0 quickscopz fight u fucken hardscoping n00b ;DDDDDD XD btw since im a paid mlg pro i never get sabbed so if i die after shooting then its L33T H4XX!!!!1 OMG REPORTED TO LUCID SCRUBBY N00B ;)

my name is notch the epic fat jew MINECRAFT XDDDDDDD and my favorite role is le vig i 360 quickshot u n1 no excuses scrub i pwn all maf scrublords w/ vig :DDD if only 1 kill n1 then scrubby mafia killed me n1 or sexy hooker got me me n1 what a bunch of hardscoping scrubs OMG!! btw see my suggested roles i have a weedsmith upvote if u like it lol 420 420 420 420 its good

if im anarchist then ur gettin fragged d1 n00b lol im a mlg pro at dis role :DDDDDDDD cc's? btw dont use vests if im anarchist thats for gamethrowing scrublords MLG [NO VESTS] ERRYDAY XDDDDD

im an epic MLG pro i get paid $10000 a month 4 my pro quiksoping skillz XDDDDD also i can noscope btw add me if ur good my xbox gamertag is xXx420EM_QU1KLYNCHZxXx we can talk & smoke weed :DDDDD 420

i never hardscope its 4 n00bs i rather noscope lol i listen to le dubstep wubwubwubwubwub best music 4 lyf lol xD its good if u listen 2 dat w/ weed + cod6 btw dont hack in cod6 only gaylords & scrublords do that so stop pls k? i'll pwn u anyways :DDD

shitty guise test (for sandbox): since im le mlg pro u cant guise my i paid $100 a month 2 do that xD anyways if i dont smoke w33d d1 then im 100% guised unless some hardscoping scrub stole dat weed lol pm if that happens so i 360 noscope quickban that n00b ;) then we share my weed lol 420

sick mlg montages!! only epic mlg pros and weed smokers allowed gtfo if ur not lol 420:

dat perfect village + creepy girl joint win:

be tree, troll the town with crier and win as zombie LOL:

dat n1 priest win:

dat lucky cult win (jailer nk'd):

dem pro venting skills:

d1 prophet win, WHAT?

dat perfect warlock win:

dat unexpected monk + survivor joint one day before famine LOL:

dat solo maf win as scout after bussing my 2 partners:

dat mafia + monk joint with the help of the yakuza:


╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong MLG pro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need casual ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

origianl biografy dont steul!!!! its for scrubs and i'll report u n00b 420

over 12 years
ur a faget
over 12 years
get wrecked kid 420
over 12 years

You called me a dumbass in this, why?

I already won in the long run, all that happened was i vegged because it was 2 am and i had to leave suddenly. My eating the cthulhu was the best plan ever and i regret nothing
deletedover 12 years
I accepted your friend request so we are friends now.
over 12 years
I laughed for a good 5min. Dat voodoo.